Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Lowering High Blood Pressure The Natural Way

High blood pressure (hypertension) is also known as the "silent murderer." Hypertension is the silent murderer name because most people do not feel any warning signs or symptoms. Hypertension often develop slowly and can cause serious damage to other organs, without experiencing any symptoms. Recently, new guidelines from the Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure recommends more stringent measures and created a new category called prehypertension for people with borderline high (130-139 / 85 -89 mm Hg) or normal (120/80). This occurred because new research shows that the risk of heart disease and stroke can occur at lower blood pressure than originally believed. Personally, I think this is "excessive" and a reason to medicate the United States. I think having regular checkups and blood pressure monitoring is a wise choice, but if this recommendation means that more people tell me doctors. Too often we medicate rather alarmist and being alarmist and change our lifestyle (s).

Understanding your blood pressure reading
We often hear that normal blood pressure is 120/80 or less. Now, with pre-hypertension or hypertension is 120-139/80-89 be 140/90 or we need to understand the numbers. The top number (systolic) is the pressure of blood in the veins and arteries as your heart pumps. The bottom number (diastolic pressure) is the pressure when the heart is at rest. As we age and elasticity of the veins and arteries decreases, the highest number often rise while the bottom number stays under control. As the arteries become smaller (as the garden hose is blocked), it takes more force to get the blood (water) that moves. This need for greater strength is what I like to call high blood pressure. If you had a water pistol with a large hole, it would be easy to pull the trigger. If everything was very small, it would take more force to pull the trigger and shoot the water. Your body is the same way. Relaxing (open hole) in the arteries of your heart does not have to work so hard and will have lower blood pressure. This is the mechanism of how blood pressure medications. Of course, there are several categories of drugs BP (ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, etc), but the end result is the same reduced pressure on the walls of the arteries.

Factors contributing to have hypertension

Learned behavior (my term for genetic links)
Diet (salt intake, caffeine)
Insulin Resistance
Mineral deficiencies (potassium, magnesium, calcium)

What can you do?
My belief is that with the proper lifestyle, most cases of hypertension can be avoided. I'm going to use as an example. Ten years ago I owned a pharmacy in a great success in Virginia. Life was great, my son is born, it was Christmas and what most people know, they were great. What many people do not know is 3 days before Christmas, my blood pressure was 165/110. That is too high for anyone, especially someone 32 years of age. This made no sense, I ate right, exercised and took care of my health. So why? After a few days my blood pressure control (still high) I realized that there must be other causes STRESS! Yes, even with everything going great, the stress of owning my pharmacy was affecting my health. I had a choice, take medication or get rid of stress. Thus, December 27, 1997 I decided to get rid of the pharmacy of my stress. I understand that many of you can not just up and quit your job, but my example is one that many need to understand the lifestyle, plays an important role in your health.

Until you can learn to modify your lifestyle, there are several supplements that can help. My new goal is to guide the combination products that help your health needs. Combination products are designed to provide a synergistic blend of nutrients that address their specific problems. The synergy is like adding 1 +1 +1 and get 5 instead of 3. Something to say about power in numbers. Using a single ingredient like garlic to lower blood pressure might work for some of you, but not all. Here are some of the most popular "only" the ingredients you can find in the formulations of blood pressure:

Fish Oil
Olive Leaf
Vitamin E
Vitamin C

Of all these individual ingredients, two stand out as extra-profit Oil CoQ10 and Fisheries. Research has shown that CoQ10 can significantly reduce blood pressure in about 10 weeks +. Most research uses about 100 mg per day. I recommend 60 mg chewable tablets and take twice a day. CoQ10 is naturally occurring in the body and is considered a powerful antioxidant healthy heart. As discussed in previous newsletters, antioxidants can help reduce the potential damage caused by free radicals.

Eating fish (cold water) is a dietary recommendation of the American Heart Association and the U.S. Government as a preventative for heart disease. I prefer to use supplements to ensure I'm getting the benefit (s) of fish, but without the toxins in fish. I can use Coromega ® packs a day as my source of Omega-3 fish oil. Coromega ® is not only free of toxins, but is emulsified to prevent belching and aid digestion. I prefer the unique packaging (do not touch the light or air from the product), and I guarantee the freshest product each dose. There are other brands like Nordic Naturals Barlean and also give fish oil purified free of contaminants. The dosage for hypertension research varies, but most are at levels of 3grams or more of the Omega-3. If you are taking a capsule, it may take six or more capsules per day, depending on the concentration.

Since it was mentioned that synergy is the way forward, let's take a look at a product mix that few consider using, manager of BP (Enzymatic Therapy), blood pressure control (Twin Laboratories), stress factors Blood Products (Miguel de la Salud), and Heart of response (Source Naturals). Each of these formulations is unique, yet contains similar ingredients that are designed to support healthy blood pressure levels. There are many other great products designed to help people with problems controlling blood pressure. Check with your health care provider and / or employee of the store to the product that is best for you.

If you lower your blood pressure with lifestyle changes and supplement use, remember to work closely with your healthcare provider. It is also recommended home monitoring of blood pressure. Control your blood pressure is a key part of your care. Buying a blood pressure monitor does not have to be expensive and can guide you to a healthier life. Remember that dietary supplements do not work at night and therefore, blood pressure decreases slowly. The use of supplements with their medications is not recommended and special care should be taken. For those of you with several medications to lower blood pressure, your first goal should be to reduce the dose or drug elimination. You did not get high blood pressure during the night and not remove it that way either. Be practical, Medicine only works if you are committed to the program and use common sense.

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