Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Human structure

A common misconception about the human structure is that it consists mainly of the muscles and bones, and our skeletal system that sustains us and the motor system that gives us the ability to move parts of our body. In fact, it is connective tissue that comes in many forms that supports the structure and gives the body its shape. Bones, cartilage, ligaments and tendons are flexible forms of connective tissue strong. Blood, lymph and cerebrospinal fluid connective tissue fluid. Forms of the fascia in many such specialized parts of the connective tissue. That is about 60% of our body weight. Everything within the body is integrated into the fascia.

Imagine a body immersed in a container that broke everything, but the connective tissue, which is a hollow body with areas where muscles, organs, bones, etc, and should be. Reducing the body to its connective tissue framework showing facial structure totally interconnected with a place for everything. Fascia is like sheaths of connective tissue that wraps around the body. Any vessel muscles, organs, bones, blood and nerve is sheathed in the fascia. A great visual aid is a picture of how it looks when the wound sandwich in plastic wrap or will be and how it keeps all the contents of the sandwich together.

Fascia is composed mainly of a protein called collagen. Fascia is very healthy and has a quality hydrated viscous, semi-liquid and elastic to it. The elastic sheets to self-help movement of different body parts. As the tension and stiffness in all a part of the body, the fascia hardens, stiffen, and become like rubber. The fascia loses its elasticity and degenerate over time and tails the other layers of the face, making it harder for easy movement and flexibility of body parts. As a result, decrease your range of motion and pain states, and stiffness becomes a familiar feeling in your body that have come to associate with the aging process. Fascia is the stress response and adapts to any of the requirements in tone and chemistry, and soon, the pain, tension and stiffness is permanent and chronic diseases are considered.

Due to the characteristic of collagen gel, pain, tension and stiffness can be released to change the quality of the fascia. Just like the gelatin dessert, the fascia can change from a gel into a semi-soluble, and again to return. The areas of tension and stiffness decreased blood flow, decreased lymphatic drainage, plus the accumulation of waste products (lactic and uric acid), and smaller spaces due to compression between the fascial planes.

Through the use of manipulation and pressure (mechanical energy) practiced by the structural integrity or Rolfers, hardened fascia is restored to its liquid state to bring back the flexibility and freedom in that area.