Monday, August 1, 2011

Ghost Knife Fish, (Apteronotus albifrons) is an interesting tropical sample that is generated in the Amazon Basin in Peru and Paraguay.Fish scales are not 20 inches. Ghost Knife fish habits overnight and a weak electric fish use their electric organ and receptors will detect the insect larvae. There are also golden-line fish knife, but blacks are more popular with the population of the match.

Creek or tropical fish prefer a sandy bottom and a belief that the natives in South America late in fish, where the "ghost" in their name is entered maybe a 30-40 gallon tank. Fish is a jealous streak and can they eat all algae in the tank to their dimensions. They hide a piece of driftwood or a "ghost tube," like the supplies so they can take home. This day will be fun to see them in the tube.

As they are in power, they have other fish in with them, and a dimly lit tank as well since they are at night, they should have developed with a low light habitat. Scales up to a parasitic infection makes them open so be careful and keep the aquarium clean. Keep at temperatures of 75-80 degrees.

The company will not tolerate another large ghost knife fish. Ghost knife fish is a carnivore, you chopped earthworms, frozen and flaked foods including live foods will need to supply. They enjoy the blood of insects is neon. Some are not fussy and will eat most anything.

Reproduction is very rare but does occur on occasion. Remove from the tank spawnings, as parents may be tempted to eat them in the night. You will enjoy having these fish in your aquarium. They are entertaining and take on the personality of their own once they feel at home.

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