Friday, June 24, 2011

Psychoeducation on anxiety disorders and panic attacks

There are more mental disorders which Disorders-IV Text Revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV-TR) that are prevalent in some categories than other categories. Generalized anxiety disorder and panic attacks in the general population of those disorders which appear more than other diseases.

Specific expression of the anxiety disorders are panic attacks. These are signs of serious concern. Fits they are like ten minutes. During these ten minutes, a person experiences heart rate, dizziness, sweating, chest pain, his self-control and lack of hot or cold flushes. Accelerated during the initial attack, a person's heart attack that might explain these attacks.

Psychoeducation is a very powerful tool in the clinical setting. It is meant to educate people on psychological issues. Sometimes, people with psychological disturbances do not accept their diagnosis. If they do not accept, they will not try to cure their problems. It is equally important to educate those who are in direct contact with the victim.

Sometimes, there is the biological basis of anxiety disorders that are produced in a person. A certain person faced with stressful life events or trauma may experience a panic attack since. After facing a trauma, when people find that any trauma-related cue, may experience an attack. Sometimes, the stack appears as the top concern is the panic attack itself. There are different types of attacks and different individuals may experience different types of attacks.

Generally, there are three types of attacks. first type are uncued attacks. These attacks appear to be in an environment without any explicit cue. Sometimes, it's because the person thinks about the stressful situation and gets an attack. The second type of attack is called situationally bound attacks. In such attacks, a person gets an attack when confronted with an anxiety provoking stimulus or cue. The third type of attack is called situationally potential attacks. In such attacks, a man after exposure to an anxiety-provoking stimulus may not experience an attack. Anxiety disorders, a person's physical processes create faster than normal. Hormonal secretion is rapid, and sometimes other physical problems develop. That is, anxiety disorders and panic attacks can be treated at an early stage.

Doctors use different treatments for panic attacks. Anxiety disorders as panic attacks, antianxiety can help relieve symptoms. Antidepressants and benzodiazepines are also effective treatments. Benzodiazepines draw accelerated effects on symptoms. For any mental problem, be careful when using drugs, there should be more likely to develop drug dependence. Psychoeducation other important thing is to suffer. Alert the victim and his disorder, and techniques that can prevent the severity of the disorder should try to learn about. Exposure and response to therapy is helpful in the treatment of panic attacks. In this therapy, a victim is exposed to anxiety-provoking situation, but his anxious responses are broken down by teaching relaxation techniques. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to another by changing the meaning of the victim's views and their interpretation is a means of alleviating symptoms. So, the causes, symptoms and anxiety disorders and panic attacks that would help increase the knowledge about a subject that is about the treatment.

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